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01 January 2009



Submitted by Test
Pictures are here.

31 December 2008

We're now Wordpress

If you see this, I've switched the site blog software to Wordpress instead of Blogger. Gives me a ton more flexibility and functionality. Also, new site design!


Site update

If you can see this, the new web hosting is live. We now have more hard drive space to store pictures. I'm still trying to get enough time to convert to Wordpress from Blogger and put up a new photo uploader.


30 December 2008

Site update

I just purchased a new web hosting account that has more storage (350 GB instead of 3 GB this account has). It will take about 12 hours for the account to be set up and then up to 48 hours for the domain to be transferred and however long to transfer the roughly 2.5 GB this site is currently using.

Also, I know it's well past the week or so estimated, I'm nearing completion on the new Silverlight version of the photo uploader. I'll put up a beta copy as soon as it is fully functional. I'm trying to decide between a faster version and a prettier version (can't have both together). I might make it so you can choose which of the two you want when you upload. They both allow multiple files to be chosen to upload with multiple files being uploaded at the same time and the prettier one shows better progress of each file, but takes longer to upload all the files.


21 December 2008

On the Second Day of Loneliness My True Love Left to Me: 2 Whimpering Dogs

Gus did much better being kept in the bathroom. I took out all the unnecessary items. When he was freed he wanted to run and run and run! While attacking anything that moved.

Bugsy is apparently annoyed that Branden has left him for so long. He peed all over Branden's freshly cleaned clothes. Normally he wouldn't do that, he knows it's bad. But I guess Branden needed to be taught a lesson.

Hillary spent the night here with me. I ordered in Papa Johns. When the delivery man came the dogs went nuts, as most dogs do. Gus just wanted to be given attention. He was the first out the door; jumping and prancing all over the poor guy. Bugsy wanted to be freed. I grabbed Gus in my arms, shoved Bugsy inside, grabbed my wallet and closed the door. I went through my wallet trying to find enough to pay the delivery man. I guess Branden needed a lot of cash for his visit and none of it in ones. I finally gave up juggling the excited Gus and my wallet. I tried to shove Gus into the house so I could find the money faster. Bugsy burst out the door and was off.

Quickly I found the cash needed and thankfully took the food. Next I went running after Bugsy around the cul-de-sac. I never caught him. He chose to come back to the house on his own before I could.  He knew there was pizza and wasn't going to give up the chance to get some. He didn't get any. 

19 December 2008

On the First Day of Loneliness My True love Left to Me: 1 12 hour work day.

I worked today from 10-9 which isn't exactly twelve hours but if you include driving time in this horrible snow it's pretty darn close. I thought that I would be sweet and leave Gus-Gus in the bathroom so that he had a little more room to play in. I put in a bowl of food and water, tucked the shower curtain in the tub, as well as the rug and put in his toys, his favorite blanket to sleep on and his kennel. 

When I got home I found the towel pulled off the rack, the shower curtain no longer tucked in and the entire roll of toilet paper chewed up in little bits strewn all over the bathroom if they hadn't already dried to the floor from pee. His food bowl and been used to play hockey across the floor and the food everywhere, you could see pieces of it had been shoved under the door. At least he can entertain him self right? Plus you have to give him credit for being able to hold enough pee in so that he could pee on 5 out of 7 stairs on the way to the door to go outside. 

Bugsy on the other hand only peed and pooped in the bedroom and learned that he can fit under the bed. He's been trying ever since we got Gus-Gus.  

18 December 2008

Christmas tree

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15 December 2008

Stults Christmas party

It's that time of year again. All the Stults gathered in Stansbury to celebrate Christmas together.

Submitted by Branden Russell
Pictures are here.

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29 November 2008

Weekly Update

I'm laying on the floor in the living room, trying to get school work done while keeping an eye on Gus. If I stop paying attention to him, he jams his toy into the side of my head and wants me to play with him.

Suzy and I got the Christmas tree put up after we got home from Thanksgiving in Provo. We went to her parents' house this year for Thanksgiving. It was pretty good, as far as Thanksgivings go.

We ordered a new filter for the fish tank since the one we have just keeps clogging up and we (me) are constantly cleaning the tank out. Got it during a Petsmart 15% off sale for Black Friday. Should be here in a week or two. Darn slow shipping.


28 November 2008

Bugsy helping

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